The Water of Tyne

I can-not get to my love if I would dee,
The wa-ter of Tyne runs bet-ween him and me;
And here I must stand with the tear in my e'e,
Both sigh-ing and sick-ly my sweet-heart to see.

O where is the boat-man? my bon-ny hin-ny!
O where is the boat-man? bring him to me, -
To fer-ry me o-ver the Tyne to my ho-ney,
And I will re-mem-ber the boat-man and thee.

O bring me a boat-man, I'll give a-ny mo-ney,
And you for your trou-ble re-war-ded shall be,
To fer-ry me o-ver the Tyne to my ho-ney,
Or scull him ac-ross that rough ri-ver to me.


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